How To GET FREE Python Courses ON Udemy?
What is Python?
Why I Should Learn Python?
- Python is a general purpose programming language that is designed to easily express ideas in clear English.
- Python is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- Python is object oriented, meaning that everything in the program is an object. Objects have data fields and operations defined for them.
- Python is dynamically typed, meaning that variables do not need to be declared before use.
- Python is interpreted, meaning that programs are run line by line.
- Python is multi-paradigm, meaning that it supports many different styles of programming.
- Python is a dynamic language, meaning that code can change its behavior based on what happens around it.
- Python is open source, meaning that anyone can study, modify, and distribute the source code.
- Python is cross platform, meaning that it runs on any operating system that has a Python interpreter.
- Python is extensible, meaning that programmers can add their own features to the language.
- Python is object orientated, meaning that objects encapsulate data and provide basic methods for manipulating that data.
- Python is simple, meaning that it does not require complex syntax.
- Python is readable, meaning that it is easy to understand even if you don't know how to write computer programs.
Which Fundamentals I Have to Learn in Python?
Data Structures
Data structures are the building blocks of any program. In python they are called dictionaries, lists, sets, tuples, etc. A dictionary is a collection of name/value pairs. Lists are ordered collections of objects. Sets are unordered collections of unique elements. Tuples are immutable sequences of objects.
- Functions
Functions are subroutines written in a programming language.
They take input parameters and return output values. Functions are central to
the functionality of a program. There are two types of functions: user defined
and builtin. User defined functions can be created using def statement. Builtin
functions cannot be modified.
- Classes
A class is a blueprint for a type of object. Objects of the same
class share many characteristics. Class definitions describe these shared
characteristics. Class definitions consist of attributes, methods, and nested
classes. Attributes are variables that store information about instances of a
class. Methods are actions that an instance can perform. Nested classes are
inner classes. Inner classes have access to private members of their outer
- Inheritance
How To GET FREE Python Courses ON Udemy?
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